Internet Romanesc Videos

(Portal of the Romanians Worldwide)


(1991) - Holy Trinity ROC - Biserica "Sfanta Treime"

The Thanksgiving Play - Piesa "Oaspete nedorit la Ziua Multumitei"

Youth Drama Club: The makeup preparations (I) 7:22

Youth Drama Club: Thanksgiving play (II) 7:12

Youth Drama Club: Thanksgiving play (III) 10:31
Youth Drama Club: Thanksgiving play (IV) 10:24
Youth Drama Club: Thanksgiving play (V) 10:53
Youth Drama Club: Thanksgiving play (VI) 5:44
Youth Drama Club: Thanksgiving play (VII) 10:02
Youth Drama Club: Thanksgiving play (VIII) 7:11
Youth Drama Club: Thanksgiving play (IX) 7:36

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